Washington, CT

WDTC 2019 Platform

8/15/2019 |


Our slogan this year is "Proud to be a Democrat". Among the many issues we feel passionately about, we are highlighting the following in our 2019 campaign:

  • Vibrant Town. We are committed to finding ways to ensure that young families can to move to Washington without encountering economic hardship. Options include more affordable housing, assistance in first home purchases, commitment to education, assistance in starting and operating small businesses, and sponsoring immigrants and reugees.
  • Fiscal Responsibility. We fully endorse the way the town of Washington manages our tax dollars and we promote continued responsibility and transparency in all fiscal matters. We encourage citizens to attend Selectmen and Finance Committee meetings for greater insight and input on town financial matters. We support greater accountability from - and insight into - town hall operations and staffing.
  • Modern InfrastructureWe are committed to insuring that our roads and bridges are well-maintained, and our road maintenance department has the right equipment for optimal operations. We think it is critical that we make investments in broadband, 5G and WiFi throuhout the town to ensure that we keep pace with evolving consumer and business communication needs.
  • Human Rights. We are repulsed by the racist words of President Trump and the complicity of the Repubican establishment. We are working to ensure the rights and respect for all people and understnd that in this polarized time, we must explicitly reinforce our support for immigrantts, the LGBTQ community, people of color, and Muslims. We stand together!
  • Environmental Resiliency. We are committed to ensuring that environmental issues are at the top of any agenda, and we encourage more active recycling, alternative energy, cleaner water, and support for our town parks, hiking trails, farms and waterways. We admire the fine work being done by the Washington Environmental Council.
  • Informed and Active Citizens. We note with pride that Washington was awarded the 2018 Democracy Cup for the highest percentage of voters (88%) among small towns in Connecticut. We remain committed to maximizing voter knowledge and turnout, and we actively work to ensure that all town governing bodies are fully staffed with passionate citizen volunteers.
  • Economic Prosperity. We are committed to ensuring that all citizens can contribute to smart and sustainable growth. That means removing friction from small business operations, a low mill rate, attracting more people to the town, and infrastructure investments. We acknowledge the value that second homeowners play and are working to understand how best to serve that community.
  • Education. We view thriving education institutions - both private and public - as fundamental to life and prosperity in Washington. We are thrilled with the early promise of the new Agriscience program at Shepaug and are actively working to ensure its continuing success. We understand that a dynamic Washington primary school is essential to attracting and retaining young families.
  • Seniors and Volunteers. We admire the contribution that our seniors make to town life and we support investments to ensure their vibrancy, including a new community/senior center, accessible and affordable housing downtown, and access to affordable in-home care. We are working to ensure that our medical and fire volunteers have the support and means to carry out their excellent work.
  • A Great Place to Live. We embrace the unique culture of Washington and we are working to ensure that all institutions - such as Steep Rock, the Washington Art Association, the farmer's market, the Judy Black Park, the Gunn Library and Museum, houses of worship, the town beach, athletic programs, and performing arts groups - are fully supported by the town. We endorse smart zoning that preserves the rual character of Washington, while ensuring that commercial activity can thrive.

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