Washington, CT


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Meet Mary Glassman and Jahana Hayes

Meet Mary Glassman and Jahana Hayes

Date: July 8th, 2018.

Time: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM

Location: Bryan Memorial Town Hall, 2 Bryan Plaza, Washington Depot, WA 06794

Contact: info@washingtondems.org or call: 860-868-6461

From 1:30 - 3:00 pm on Sunday July 8, the Washington Town Democratic Committee will host a forum featuring Mary Glassman and Jahana Hayes, candidates for CT's 5th Congressional District. 

The Forum is an opportunity for the candidates to express their views on critical issues facing Connecticut and to answer questions from the public. An August 14 Primary will determine which candidtate will face the Republican nominee in November.

Please join us and find out where these two women stand on the issues we care about.

DOWNLOAD: Forum-Flyer.pdf