Washington, CT

How to Get Involved

The beauty of living in a small town like Washington is that your vote and participation can really make a difference.

Here are some ways you can participate in Washington’s civic life, as well as the activities and causes promoted by the Washington Democratic Town Committee (WDTC).

Washington's (Current) Elected Officials, Democrats are starred

Jim Brinton, First Selectman
Jay Hubelbank*
Dean Sarjeant*

Michael Jackson, Chair*
Sarah Cornell
Edward Bent, Vice Chair*
Craig Schoon, Interim Chair
Barbara Brown
Matthew Cain, Alternate*
Reginald Templeton, Alternate
Phyllis Allen, Alternate
Elizabeth Fenton, Alternate

Harry Wyant

Nicholas Solley, Chair*
Dave Werkhoven
Debra Radosevich*
Janet Hill, Vice Chair*
Susan Smith, Alternate

Valerie Anderson, Alternate

Shane Mongar, Alternate*

Bill Ferrell, Member

John Horan*
Peter Bowman, Chair
Roderick Wyant III
Daniel Gunnip, Alternate*
Chip Wildman, Vice Chair
Dean Sarjant, Alternate
Daniel Gunnip, Alternate*
Robert Weber *

Rebecca Rebillard

Catherine Sweeney*

Kevin Comer*
Joan M. Lodsin

Robert G. Weber


Attend Public Meetings

One of the best ways to become an informed voter on local issues is to attend Town Meetings and other public hearings. Washington is among the small number of Connecticut towns that are governed by Town Meetings, where Washington taxpayers form the Town’s legislative body. At these Town Hall meetings, many key issues are debated and voted on, such as adoption of new Town ordinances; amendments to existing ones; and special funding appropriations for items not included in the budget.

Go to the Town’s Web site (www.washingtonct.org) and sign up to receive e-mail alerts about upcoming Town Meetings. Often, momentous Town issues are resolved by a vote of fewer than 100 citizens. Join in and become one of those legislators!

At the Town’s Web site, you can also find the meeting schedules and recorded minutes of the Town’s important boards and commissions—such as the Board of Finance, the Zoning Commission, the Inland Wetlands Commission, and the Planning Commission.

Stay Informed

Two good ways to keep up on local issues are visiting the Town's Web site and reading local newspapers. Most of those listed below have online editions, making access to their information faster and easier. All the newspapers have online editions and several publish legally required town notices.

Web site. At the Town's official Web site, www.washingtonct.org, you will find the meeting schedules and recorded minutes of the Town’s important boards and commissions—such as the Board of Finance, the Zoning Commission, the Inland Wetlands Commission, and the Planning Commission. You can sign up to receive e-mail alerts about important upcoming Town Meetings.

Local newspapers. Local events and developments are regularly covered in the local newspapers.

Voices This is a twice-weekly newspaper, which covers most important Town Meetings, commission hearings, and elections.

Washington Town Guide This is an annual booklet, published by Voices (above), which offers a quick primer on how the Town operates; a who's who of its key officers and employees, along with their photographs. Ideal for newcomers to town.

Washington Times This is the Town’s official newsletter, which is published quarterly.

Statewide newspapers. Three worth following are: Waterbury Republican American Daily, with frequent coverage of local politics, albeit through a Republican editorial lense. Hartford Courant and the Housatonic Times.

Serve on a Commission

Volunteers—your friends and neighbors—define our Town! They staff our boards and commissions, put out our fires, drive our ambulances, and run our library, land trust, and other non-profit organizations.

There could be a position for you on one of the Town’s boards and commissions, giving you the opportunity to participate constructively in Washington’s governance. When there is an opening on a board or commission, the Washington Democratic Town Committee (WDTC) submits recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for a candidate to be appointed to fill the slot.

If you are interested in learning more about the process of joining a Town Board or Commission, please email us at washingtondems@gmail.com.